I like to believe that I am a modern Indian woman. I was not raised to take care of the house. I am not expected to cook, and clean, and spend a considerable part of my adult life in the kitchen, unlike the older women in my family. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, I know in my bones that there will be a day when I will find myself in that kitchen. Even though I wasn’t taught so, through my upbringing, I subconsciously imbibed one cultural value over another. It is my responsibility, as a woman and a mother, to provide. However, as a representative of my generation, I also find it my responsibility to explore the repercussions of these values. Thus the birth of Beyond.
This series is about photographs that have images of women who come from a similar background, who have their kitchen being projected onto them. The kitchen here being a metaphor for ancient value systems having control over us way after they become obsolete. Despite all that so called change, there is still that cultural responsibility that prevails bearing down on us, subconsciously.